Yellow Submarine Tiny House

This whimsical yellow submarine tiny house in a forest was built out of an old grain silo and serves as a small BNB as well as a place for adults to become kids again. Take the tour in this Living Big in a Tiny Home video:

A wide variety of upcycled materials like radomes, a telecom microwave dish, solar panels, and an old spa bath were incorporated into the design of this tiny house. There are several decorative themes including the Beatles (obviously), a cold war Soviet theme, a North Atlantic U-boat theme and a steampunk submarine theme.

The front door is concealed by a slow-rising front hatch. The interior is decorated with with many fun finds like old steam gauges, old pumps, and a U.S. Navy diving helmet, and it has a galley kitchen, lounge with sofa and table, crew’s quarters, a bathroom with an escape hatch, and a control tower area.

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