How to Attract Birds to Your Backyard

All kind of birds will flock to your yard daily if you provide food, shelter and water. Learn how to attract birds to your backyard in this Better Homes and Gardens video:

Offer several kinds of foods to attract the widest variety of birds. While blue jays like shelled peanuts, chickadees eat black oil sunflower seeds and cardinals prefer sunflower seeds. If you want to keep it simple, a good quality bird seed mix will satisfy most birds.

Your feeding station should have a mix of the basic feeder types – tube, hopper, suet and platform – to attract different types of birds.

Birds are more likely to linger in your yard between meals if you provide protective places to rest. Evergreen trees and shrubs are favorite hiding places, and so are brush piles.

Constant access to fresh water is important, especially during the winter when most natural sources are frozen. There are many heated bird bath options available. You can also use a small heater to keep water from freezing in a regular bird bath.

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