Easy Way to Plant Groundcover

Groundcover protects topsoil from drought and erosion and is ideal for areas under trees or on banks. Learn an easy way to plant groundcover in this Lowe’s video:

When choosing groundcover, consider drought-tolerant thyme, sedums, or hens-and-chicks, shade-loving lamium or bishop’s weed, or evergreen plants such as brass buttons, lamb’s-ears or Mondo grass.

1. Clear the area and remove weeds and grass.

2. Add a 2-inch layer of compost. Turn and rake smooth.

3. Read the plant label to get the spacing requirements.

4. Cut a cardboard triangle to length. The cardboard will help stagger the spacing evenly.

5. For each plant, dig a hole, add time-release fertilizer, then add the plant.

6. Top the area with a 2-inch layer of mulch.

You will have full cover in six months.

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