Selecting Annuals and Perennials for Your Garden

Confused about annuals and perennials? Professional landscaper Ahmed Hassan explains the differences in this HGTV video:

Annuals have a short lifespan of one growing season and will need to be replaced often, while perennials are permanent or semi-permanent plants that will bloom year after year. Perennials tend to be larger, more substantial shrubs and flowering plants. in contrast, annuals are typically small bedding flowers.

In terms of maintenance, you should deadhead perennials to make room for more blooms. Deadheading is not necessary for annuals as they will continue to bloom.

When choosing flowers for your garden, ask your local nursery what were last season’s annuals and what are this season’s new annuals. Remember that frost can cut a plant’s life cycle short, while the same plant can flourish in warmer climates.

You don’t have to choose between annuals and perennials. They can be grown together, giving you long lasting color all season round.

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